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  Zanaflex for oral use: drug interactions

Zanaflex for oral use: drug interactions

Your doctor will most likely aware of potential interactions zanaflexa with other drugs and monitors that you receive treatment. Do not start taking medication, do not cancel it on their own and do not change the dosage of medication without consulting your doctor.

Due to possible serious drug interactions can not be taken together with the following drugs:Ciprofloxacin, flyuvoksamin.

If you are currently taking any of these medications, tell your doctor or pharmacist before starting tizanidine.

Before you start zanaflexa need to tell your doctor or pharmacist about all you are taking prescription, nonprescription and herbal remedies, particularly for admission of antiarrhythmic (amiodarone, Valium, propafenone, verapamil), oral contraceptives, means for lowering blood pressure - for example ACE inhibitors (lisinopril) beta-blockers (propranolol, clonidine, methyldopa, guanabenz, guanfacine), cimetidine, drugs affecting liver enzymes involved in removing the body of tizanidine (zileuton, tiklodipin, acyclovir, fluoroquinolone antibiotics - for example, norfloxacin), diuretics (furosemide, thiazides).Tell your doctor or pharmacist about taking other medicines that may cause drowsiness: some antihistamines (diphenhydramine), sedatives (diazepam), anticonvulsants (carbamazepine), hypnotics and sedatives, muscle relaxants, narcotic analgesics (codeine), drugs used in psychiatric practice (phenothiazines - such as chlorpromazine, tricyclic antidepressants - such as amitriptyline), tranquilizers.Refine data on the composition of all the medicines you take (eg, cough, or SARS), as they may contain ingredients that cause drowsiness. The drug is usually specified on the package. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to be safe for you to receive these drugs.Do not use OTC medicines that contain cimetidine for relief of gastric disorders or heartburn. Do not start or stop taking medicines without doctor's approval.This description does not contain information about all possible drug interactions of the drug. In this regard, prior to his admission are urged to inform your doctor of any medication taken. Keep a list of all medications with you, if necessary, you can communicate it to your doctor.

Communicates whether zanaflex for oral use with other drugs?

Pronounced drug interactions:

Simultaneous treatment of the following medicines is usually not recommended. For more information go to the doctor.

Tizanidine / flyuvoksamin

Tizanidine / ciprofloxacin